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Help discover life-saving treatments for mito this EOFY

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$32,887 raised

$30,000 Goal

$32,887 raised

$30,000 Goal

  • Aaron just donated $2.17
  • Zahra just donated $58.97
  • Allison just donated $65.16
  • DHAKSHINAMOORTHY just donated $110.77
  • Stuart just donated $54.30
  • Dmitey just donated $38.01
  • G.S, just donated $1,069
  • Bob just donated $50
  • Kerryn just donated $110.77
  • Dave just donated $162.92
  • Diane just donated $54.30
  • Leanne just donated $365
  • Jane just donated $60
  • Robert just donated $200
  • John just donated $50
  • David just donated $500
  • James just donated $10
  • Petrice just donated $59.73
  • Marwa just donated $1.09
  • Lynette just donated $500

"Alfie was unresponsive, barely breathing and seizing constantly." — Heather, Alfie's mum

Alfie and mum Heather in hospital

Children with mitochondrial disease — like Alfie — desperately need new treatments.

Will you help researchers find the next breakthrough?

Alfie’s world changed when he was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease — mito — aged just 2 years old. Mito is a progressive genetic condition that drains energy from the body’s cells and, in many children, can be terminal.

Families like Alfie’s need more than hope for the future. Your support can progress research into treatments and cures that could save lives. Can you help?

Alfie was a spirited, joyful toddler until his parents noticed him lacking energy, and scarily, his legs were no longer able to hold him. The days that followed were the scariest this young family had seen. Alfie was placed in an induced coma while heroic medical staff worked to bring back his cheeky smile.

Will you donate now to drive the next breakthrough and help save the lives of children like Alfie?

Sadly Alfie isn’t alone in his battle. More than 70 kids are born each year that will develop a severe or life-threatening form of mitochondrial disease. That’s more than one every week.

We need your help to fund research for life-saving treatments. The sooner we unlock these, the more kids we can save.  

Alfie and mum Heather hugging in hospital chair.

Your tax-deductible donation can speed up access to treatments. Here's how you can help save more lives.

Researcher looking into a microscope


Can help fund the essential tools needed for research.

Alfie in a hospital bed with mum resting her head on it


Can help discover if gene therapies could treat mito.

Researcher dripping blue liquid into a vial


Can help bring clinical trials to Australia.

"Together we are strong. Together we are one. Together we can achieve."
— Heather, Alfie's mum

Alfie pictured outside in blanket with nasal tube
Alfie pictured sleeping in hospital bed
Alfie smiling with bear
Alfie being held by dad Josh