
Alice's Mighty Heart Lives On

Together we can be mighty against mito, and ensure that the memories we share continue to help the families to come.

Donate Today

Update: New goal $6500!

Thank you everyone. Your generosity does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Alice's Story...

Running has always been an important part of the family. Mum has run since well before Alice and I were born. She then made us run from time to time, despite regular complaints. Now, over a decade later, I actually enjoy it. Alice ran in her first primary school cross country with Mum yelling, "Push til it hurts! Push til it hurts!" And Alice did. Always.

There wasn't effective treatment in 2012 when Alice died from Mito, but with enough support and enough fundraising and research, hopefully this will be different for families in the near future.


Returning to running again in April after 17 months off, this year I’ll be doing the City2Surf, despite the misgivings of my physio! 

Goal: <70mins>

Alice and I loved this race. We were interviewed and made it onto TV in 2010 as we were running up Heartbreak Hill. 

This year, I’ve set an ambitious target of $3000 to raise for the Mito Foundation. All and any donations are greatly appreciated.

ln mitochondrial diseases, mitochondria cannot efficiently turn glucose and oxygen into energy. This can lead cells to malfunction and potentially organs to fail.

When I'm tired or feel like I don't want to run any further or faster, I remember this fact and try to dig a little deeper, because for some people, there really is no energy left.

Mito Foundation has shared some very exciting news: they have begun clinical trials. This fills me with so much hope that one day these trials will lead to successful treatments.

Donations in memory of Alice


Jess Boyley

Cheering for you and Alice


Sophie Smith

for Alice xoxo



Amazing work Henry!





Alice, her mum and brother are always in my heart. Go well Henry


Michael Mclean

Good on you Henry. I'd join you in the race can't find my joggers??



Go H Alice would be very proud of you.


Jeanette And Mike Lane

Our Henry, we’re proud of you, as beautiful Alice would be.


Marion Bevan


Anj Bevan


John Kingsmill

Good work and well done, Henry.


Helen Naumann


Therese Mitchell


Margaret Mulholland


Jo Richards





Good on you Henry


Kassie Chan

I reckon Alice would be telling you that you’re running up that hill too slow, even if it’s been 17 months



Proud of you Henry! 💪


Jodie & Christian

We love you Alice & Henry ❤️xx



Alice's hand will be firmly on your back, whilst encouraging you to 'run fast, Henry, run fast!'





Run Henry run!


Rayner Family


Adam, Kylee, Saskia & Mieke

You’ll smash it Henry! And beautiful Alice will be with you all the way! ✨🦋


Rayner Family

Run Alice Run beautiful girl.


The Sullivans

Go H! Alice would be very very proud of you x


Jaya Ryan



Henry your girls will be so proud 💕- as are all of us! X


Anna O’brien


John Watson


Fiona Lord

So proud of you Henry, Alice would be as well!! Such a wonderful cause. Just love the beautiful photo of gorgeous Alice 💜


Louise R

Awesome Henry!


Christine Cantarella

You’ve got this Henry and Alice ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Cathrine Neilsen-hewett

“Push til it hurts mate (but look after yourself)” - Alice’s incredible determination lives on in you Henry ❤️


Dj Sue Says You Can Do It!

Henry, I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. Go for it!


Suellyn Ryan

Your light is always shinning bright beautiful girl. 💗


Kim Brill

Great job! Run well! X



keep running. keep smiling. keep remembering your cherished moments with Alice xx you are an incredible human with the kindest heart.


Jacquie Folsom

Good on you Henry!


Robert Carter

H, I reckon you can do it in under 60. Good stuff mate


Lavra Nanayakkara


Ashlynn Davies




So proud of you H &lt;3 cheering for you every step of the way


Jacqui Andrews

Your smile could brighten anyone’s day, you special girl


Bernice Hooker


Kate Jones

Under 70min!!!! Let’s do this Henry! For Alice


Sophie Smith

How amazing Henry! I’m sure Alice will be with you every step of the way! With love from Sophie, Owen and Harvey xoxo




Nina Marquard-karp



You are an amazing young man H…you will nail this run.



You are a true inspiration Henry. Alice would be beaming with love and pride.I'm sure Kate is too! ❤️xx 🏃🏻‍♂️


Sammy J

Go hard Henry!


Sue Lewis

We will see you there, and be with you all the way x


Yannick De Silva

Amazing work Henry. Alice would be so proud of you for this among all your other achievements. Keep it up champion ❤️


Meg Farrell

Proud of you xx


Anna O’mara



glad to see your putting those Wednesdays to good use

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